Tabular data in the form of CSV files is the common input format in a data analytics pipeline. However, a lack of understanding of the semantic structure and meaning of the content may hinder the data analytics process. Thus gaining this semantic understanding will be very valuable for data integration, data cleaning, data mining, machine learning and knowledge discovery tasks. For example, understanding what the data is can help assess what sorts of transformation are appropriate on the data.
Tables on the Web may also be the source of highly valuable data. The addition of semantic information to Web tables may enhance a wide range of applications, such as web search, question answering, and knowledge base (KB) construction.
Tabular data to Knowledge Graph (KG) matching is the process of assigning semantic tags from Knowledge Graphs (e.g., Wikidata or DBpedia) to the elements of the table. This task however is often difficult in practice due to metadata (e.g., table and column names) being missing, incomplete or ambiguous.
The SemTab challenge aims at benchmarking systems dealing with the tabular data to KG matching problem, so as to facilitate their comparison on the same basis and the reproducibility of the results.
The 2022 edition of this challenge will be collocated with the 21st International Semantic Web Conference and the 17th International Workshop on Ontology Matching.
SemTab papers have been published as a volume 3320 of CEUR-WS.
There will be two session associated to the SemTab challenge on Tuesday and a space devoted to the challenge during the ISWC poster session on Wedesday: ISWC program. Videos of the talks are available here.
Tuesday, October 25, ISWC session 11:40-12:40 (CEST). In parallel with Main Track 1A and 1B.
Tuesday, October 25, ISWC session 12:50-13:50 (CEST). In parallel with Main Track 2A and 2B.
Wednesday, October 26, ISWC Poster and demo session: 11:40-13:50 (CEST). Look for the SemTab room in Posters available here.
We have a discussion group for the challenge where we share the latest news with the participants and we discuss issues risen during the evaluation rounds.
Please register your system using this google form.
Note that participants can join SemTab at any Round for any of the tasks/tracks.
This is a task of ISWC 2022 "Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph
It's to annotate an entity column (i.e., a column composed of entity mentions) in a table with
types from Wikidata
(version: 20220521)
Notes: participants may use the public Wikidata endpoint (or its API) since the above dump is
very recent.
The task is to annotate each entity column by items of Wikidata as its type. Each column can be annotated by multiple types: the one that is as fine grained as possible and correct to all the column cells, is regarded as a perfect annotation; the one that is the ancestor of the perfect annotation is regarded as an okay annotation; others are regarded as wrong annotations.
The annotation can be a normal entity of Wikidata, with the prefix of, such as Each column should be annotated by at most one item. A perfect annotation is encouraged with a full score, while an okay annotation can still get a part of the score. Example: "KIN0LD6C","0","". Please use the prefix of instead of the URL prefix
The annotation should be represented by its full IRI, where the case is NOT sensitive. Each submission should be a CSV file. Each line should include a column identified by table id and column id, and the column's annotation (a Wikidata item). It means one line should include three fields: "Table ID", "Column ID" and "Annotation IRI". The headers should be excluded from the submission file.
Notes:The dataset contains:
We encourage one perfect annotation, and at same time score one of its ancestors (okay annotation). Thus we calculate Approximate Precision (\(APrecision\)), Approximate Recall (\(ARecall\)), and Approximate F1 Score (\(AF1\)): \[APrecision = {\sum_{a \in all\ annotations}g(a) \over all\ annotations\ \#}\] \[ARecall = {\sum_{col \in all\ target\ columns}(max\_annotation\_score(col)) \over all\ target\ columns\ \#}\] \[AF1 = {2 \times APrecision \times ARecall \over APrecision + ARecall}\]
Notes:where \(d(a)\) is the depth to the perfect annotation. E.g., \(d(a)=1\) if \(a\) is a parent of the perfect annotation, and \(d(a)=2\) if \(a\) is a grandparent of the perfect annotation.
This is a task of ISWC 2022 "Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph
It is to annotate column cells (entity mentions) in a table with entities of
(version: 20220521)
Notes: participants may use the public Wikidata endpoint (or its API) since the above dump is
very recent.
The task is to annotate each target cell with an entity of Wikidata. Each submission should contain the annotation of the target cell. One cell can be annotated by one entity with the prefix of Any of the equivalent entities of the ground truth entity are regarded as correct. Case is NOT sensitive.
The submission file should be in CSV format. Each line should contain the annotation of one cell which is identified by a table id, a column id and a row id. Namely one line should have four fields: "Table ID", "Row ID", "Column ID" and "Entity IRI". Each cell should be annotated by at most one entity. The headers should be excluded from the submission file. Here is an example: "OHGI1JNY","32","1","". Please use the prefix of instead of which is the prefix of the Wikidata page URL.
Notes:The dataset contains:
Precision, Recall and F1 Score are calculated: \[Precision = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {submitted\_annotations \#}}\] \[Recall = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {ground\_truth\_annotations \#}}\] \[F1 = {2 \times Precision \times Recall \over Precision + Recall}\]
This is a task of ISWC 2022 "Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph
It is to annotate column relationships in a table with properties of
(version: 20220521)
Notes: participants may use the public Wikidata endpoint (or its API) since the above dump is
very recent.
The task is to annotate each column pair with a property of Wikidata. Each submission should contain an annotation of a target column pair. Note the order of the two columns matters. The annotation property should start with the prefix of Case is NOT sensitive.
The submission file should be in CSV format. Each line should contain the annotation of two columns which is identified by a table id, column id one and column id two. Namely one line should have four fields: "Table ID", "Column ID 1", "Column ID 2" and "Property IRI". Each column pair should be annotated by at most one property. The headers should be excluded from the submission file. Here is an example: "OHGI1JNY","0","1","". Please use the prefix of instead of which is the prefix of the Wikidata page URL.
Notes:The dataset contains:
Precision, Recall and F1 Score are calculated: \[Precision = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {submitted\_annotations \#}}\] \[Recall = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {ground\_truth\_annotations \#}}\] \[F1 = {2 \times Precision \times Recall \over Precision + Recall}\]
This is a task of ISWC 2022 "Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph
It's to annotate an entity column (i.e., a column composed of entity mentions) in a table with
types from Wikidata
(version: 20220521)
Notes: participants may use the public Wikidata endpoint (or its API) since the above dump is
very recent.
The task is to annotate each entity column by items of Wikidata as its type. Each column can be annotated by multiple types: the one that is as fine grained as possible and correct to all the column cells, is regarded as a perfect annotation; the one that is the ancestor of the perfect annotation is regarded as an okay annotation; others are regarded as wrong annotations.
The annotation can be a normal entity of Wikidata, with the prefix of, such as Each column should be annotated by at most one item. A perfect annotation is encouraged with a full score, while an okay annotation can still get a part of the score. Example: "KIN0LD6C","0","". Please use the prefix of instead of the URL prefix
The annotation should be represented by its full IRI, where the case is NOT sensitive. Each submission should be a CSV file. Each line should include a column identified by table id and column id, and the column's annotation (a Wikidata item). It means one line should include three fields: "Table ID", "Column ID" and "Annotation IRI". The headers should be excluded from the submission file.
Notes:The dataset contains:
We encourage one perfect annotation, and at same time score one of its ancestors (okay annotation). Thus we calculate Approximate Precision (\(APrecision\)), Approximate Recall (\(ARecall\)), and Approximate F1 Score (\(AF1\)): \[APrecision = {\sum_{a \in all\ annotations}g(a) \over all\ annotations\ \#}\] \[ARecall = {\sum_{col \in all\ target\ columns}(max\_annotation\_score(col)) \over all\ target\ columns\ \#}\] \[AF1 = {2 \times APrecision \times ARecall \over APrecision + ARecall}\]
Notes:where \(d(a)\) is the depth to the perfect annotation. E.g., \(d(a)=1\) if \(a\) is a parent of the perfect annotation, and \(d(a)=2\) if \(a\) is a grandparent of the perfect annotation.
This is a task of ISWC 2022 "Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph
It is to annotate column cells (entity mentions) in a table with entities of
(version: 20220521)
Notes: participants may use the public Wikidata endpoint (or its API) since the above dump is
very recent.
The task is to annotate each target cell with an entity of Wikidata. Each submission should contain the annotation of the target cell. One cell can be annotated by one entity with the prefix of Any of the equivalent entities of the ground truth entity are regarded as correct. Case is NOT sensitive.
The submission file should be in CSV format. Each line should contain the annotation of one cell which is identified by a table id, a column id and a row id. Namely one line should have four fields: "Table ID", "Row ID", "Column ID" and "Entity IRI". Each cell should be annotated by at most one entity. The headers should be excluded from the submission file. Here is an example: "OHGI1JNY","32","1","". Please use the prefix of instead of which is the prefix of the Wikidata page URL.
Notes:The dataset contains:
Precision, Recall and F1 Score are calculated: \[Precision = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {submitted\_annotations \#}}\] \[Recall = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {ground\_truth\_annotations \#}}\] \[F1 = {2 \times Precision \times Recall \over Precision + Recall}\]
This is a task of ISWC 2022 "Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph
It is to annotate column relationships in a table with properties of
(version: 20220521)
Notes: participants may use the public Wikidata endpoint (or its API) since the above dump is
very recent.
The task is to annotate each column pair with a property of Wikidata. Each submission should contain an annotation of a target column pair. Note the order of the two columns matters. The annotation property should start with the prefix of Case is NOT sensitive.
The submission file should be in CSV format. Each line should contain the annotation of two columns which is identified by a table id, column id one and column id two. Namely one line should have four fields: "Table ID", "Column ID 1", "Column ID 2" and "Property IRI". Each column pair should be annotated by at most one property. The headers should be excluded from the submission file. Here is an example: "OHGI1JNY","0","1","". Please use the prefix of instead of which is the prefix of the Wikidata page URL.
Notes:The dataset contains:
Precision, Recall and F1 Score are calculated: \[Precision = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {submitted\_annotations \#}}\] \[Recall = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {ground\_truth\_annotations \#}}\] \[F1 = {2 \times Precision \times Recall \over Precision + Recall}\]
This is a task of ISWC 2022 "Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph
It's to annotate an entity column (i.e., a column composed of entity mentions) in a table with
types from Wikidata
(version: 20220521)
Notes: participants may use the public Wikidata endpoint (or its API) since the above dump is
very recent.
The task is to annotate each entity column by items of Wikidata as its type. Each column can be annotated by multiple types: the one that is as fine grained as possible and correct to all the column cells, is regarded as a perfect annotation; the one that is the ancestor of the perfect annotation is regarded as an okay annotation; others are regarded as wrong annotations.
The annotation can be a normal entity of Wikidata, with the prefix of, such as Each column should be annotated by at most one item.
A perfect annotation is encouraged with a full score, while an okay annotation can still get a part of the score. Example: "KIN0LD6C","0","". Please use the prefix of instead of the URL prefix
The annotation should be represented by its full IRI, where the case is NOT sensitive. Each submission should be a CSV file. Each line should include a column identified by table id and column id, and the column's annotation (a Wikidata item). It means one line should include three fields: "Table ID", "Column ID" and "Annotation IRI". The headers should be excluded from the submission file.
Notes:The dataset contains:
We encourage one perfect annotation, and at same time score one of its ancestors (okay annotation). Thus we calculate Approximate Precision (\(APrecision\)), Approximate Recall (\(ARecall\)), and Approximate F1 Score (\(AF1\)): \[APrecision = {\sum_{a \in all\ annotations}g(a) \over all\ annotations\ \#}\] \[ARecall = {\sum_{col \in all\ target\ columns}(max\_annotation\_score(col)) \over all\ target\ columns\ \#}\] \[AF1 = {2 \times APrecision \times ARecall \over APrecision + ARecall}\]
Notes:where \(d(a)\) is the depth to the perfect annotation. E.g., \(d(a)=1\) if \(a\) is a parent of the perfect annotation, and \(d(a)=2\) if \(a\) is a grandparent of the perfect annotation.
This is a task of ISWC 2022 "Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph
It is to annotate column cells (entity mentions) in a table with entities of
(version: 20220521)
Notes: participants may use the public Wikidata endpoint (or its API) since the above dump is
very recent.
The task is to annotate each target cell with an entity of Wikidata. Each submission should contain the annotation of the target cell. One cell can be annotated by one entity with the prefix of Any of the equivalent entities of the ground truth entity are regarded as correct. Case is NOT sensitive.
The submission file should be in CSV format. Each line should contain the annotation of one cell which is identified by a table id, a column id and a row id. Namely one line should have four fields: "Table ID", "Row ID", "Column ID" and "Entity IRI". Each cell should be annotated by at most one entity.
The headers should be excluded from the submission file. Here is an example: "OHGI1JNY","32","1","". Please use the prefix of instead of which is the prefix of the Wikidata page URL.
Notes:The dataset contains:
Precision, Recall and F1 Score are calculated: \[Precision = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {submitted\_annotations \#}}\] \[Recall = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {ground\_truth\_annotations \#}}\] \[F1 = {2 \times Precision \times Recall \over Precision + Recall}\]
Notes:This is a task of ISWC 2022 "Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching". It's to annotate an entity column (i.e., a column composed of entity mentions) in a table with types from DBpedia (version: 2016-10).
The task is to annotate each of the given entity columns with classes of DBpedia ontology. Each column can be annotated by multiple types: the one that is as fine grained as possible and correct to all the column cells, is regarded as a perfect annotation; the one that is the ancestor of the perfect annotation is regarded as an okay annotation; others are regarded as wrong annotations.
The annotation can be a normal class of DBpedia, with the prefix of, such as Each column should be annotated by at most one item. In Round #2 in SemTab 2022, only one annotation (perfect annotation) is scored.
The annotation should be represented by its full IRI, where the case is NOT sensitive. Each submission should be a CSV file. Each line should include a column identified by table id and column id, and the column's annotation (a DBpedia class). It means one line should include three fields: "Table ID", "Column ID" and "Annotation IRI". The headers should be excluded from the submission file.
Notes:The dataset contains:
Precision, Recall and F1 Score are calculated: \[Precision = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {submitted\_annotations \#}}\] \[Recall = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {ground\_truth\_annotations \#}}\] \[F1 = {2 \times Precision \times Recall \over Precision + Recall}\]
Notes:This is a task of ISWC 2022 "Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching". It is to annotate column cells (entity mentions) in a table with entities of DBpedia (version: 2016-10).
The task is to annotate each target cell with an entity of DBpedia. Each submission should contain the annotation of the target cell. One cell can be annotated by one entity with the prefix of Any of the equivalent entities of the ground truth entity are regarded as correct. Case is NOT sensitive.
The submission file should be in CSV format. Each line should contain the annotation of one cell which is identified by a table id, a column id and a row id. Namely one line should have four fields: "Table ID", "Row ID", "Column ID" and "Entity IRI". Each cell should be annotated by at most one entity.
The headers should be excluded from the submission file. Here is an example: "CTRL_WIKI_GEO_list_of_lakes_by_area","1","1","". Please use the prefix of instead of which is the prefix of the DBpedia page URL.
Notes:The dataset contains:
Precision, Recall and F1 Score are calculated: \[Precision = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {submitted\_annotations \#}}\] \[Recall = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {ground\_truth\_annotations \#}}\] \[F1 = {2 \times Precision \times Recall \over Precision + Recall}\]
Notes:This is a task of ISWC 2022 "Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching". It's to annotate an entity column (i.e., a column composed of entity mentions) in a table with types from DBpedia (version: 2016-10).
The task is to annotate each of the given entity columns with properties of the DBpedia ontology. Each column can be annotated by only one type (no ancestors and descendents are taken into account).
The annotation can be a normal property of DBpedia, with the prefix of, such as Each column should be annotated by at most one item. In Round #3 in SemTab 2022, only one annotation (perfect annotation) is scored.
The annotation should be represented by its full IRI, where the case is NOT sensitive. Each submission should be a CSV file. Each line should include a column identified by table id and column id, and the column's annotation (a DBpedia class). It means one line should include three fields: "Table ID", "Column ID" and "Annotation URI". The headers should be excluded from the submission file.
Notes for datasets:The datasets provide:
python '/path/to/submission/file' '/path/to/ground/truth/file'
Precision, Recall and F1 Score are calculated: \[Precision = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {submitted\_annotations \#}}\] \[Recall = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {ground\_truth\_annotations \#}}\] \[F1 = {2 \times Precision \times Recall \over Precision + Recall}\]
Notes:This is a task of ISWC 2022 "Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching". It's to annotate an entity column (i.e., a column composed of entity mentions) in a table with types from properties or classes.
The task is to annotate each of the given entity columns with properties or classes from Each column can be annotated by only one type (no ancestors and descendents are taken into account).
The annotation can be a normal property/class of, with the prefix of, such as Each column should be annotated by at most one item. In Round #3 in SemTab 2022, only one annotation (perfect annotation) is scored.
The annotation should be represented by its full IRI, where the case is NOT sensitive. Each submission should be a CSV file. Each line should include a column identified by table id and column id, and the column's annotation (a DBpedia class). It means one line should include three fields: "Table ID", "Column ID" and "Annotation URI". The headers should be excluded from the submission file.
Notes for datasets:The datasets provide:
python '/path/to/submission/file' '/path/to/ground/truth/file'
Precision, Recall and F1 Score are calculated: \[Precision = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {submitted\_annotations \#}}\] \[Recall = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {ground\_truth\_annotations \#}}\] \[F1 = {2 \times Precision \times Recall \over Precision + Recall}\]
Notes:This is a task of ISWC 2022 "Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching". It's to annotate an entity column (i.e., a column composed of entity mentions) in a table with types from the DBpedia (version: 2022-03).
The task is to annotate each of the given entity columns with instances or classes of DBpedia ontology. Each column can be annotated by exactly one type the one that is as fine grained as possible and correct to all the column cells.
The annotation should be represented by its full IRI, where the case is NOT sensitive. Each submission should be a CSV file. Each line should include a column identified by table id and column id, and the column's annotation (a DBpedia instance/class). It means one line should include three fields: "Table ID", "Column ID" and "Annotation IRI". The headers should be excluded from the submission file.
Notes:The dataset contains:
Precision, Recall and F1 Score are calculated: \[Precision = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {submitted\_annotations \#}}\] \[Recall = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {ground\_truth\_annotations \#}}\] \[F1 = {2 \times Precision \times Recall \over Precision + Recall}\]
Notes:This is a task of ISWC 2022 "Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching". It's to annotate an entity cell in a table with instances from DBpedia entities[ENTITY]. (version: 2022-03).
The task is to annotate each of the given entity cells with instances from DBpedia. Each cell can be annotated by only one instance.
The annotation should be represented by its full IRI, where the case is NOT sensitive. Each submission should be a CSV file. Each line should include a column identified by table id and column id, row id, and the column's annotation (a DBpedia instance). It means one line should include three fields: "Table ID", "Column ID" and "Annotation URI". The headers should be excluded from the submission file.
The dataset contains:
Precision, Recall and F1 Score are calculated: \[Precision = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {submitted\_annotations \#}}\] \[Recall = {{correct\_annotations \#} \over {ground\_truth\_annotations \#}}\] \[F1 = {2 \times Precision \times Recall \over Precision + Recall}\]
We invite participants in the Accuracy Track as well as the Datasets
Track to submit a paper using easychair.
System papers in the Accuracy Track should be no more than 12 pages
long (excluding references) and papers for the Datasets Track are
limited to 6 pages.
If you are submitting to the Datasets Track, please append "[Datasets Track]"
at the end of the paper title.
Both type of papers should be formatted using the
CEUR Latex template
or the
CEUR Word template. Papers will be reviewed by 1-2 challenge organisers.
Accepted papers will be published as a volume of CEUR-WS. By submitting a paper, the authors accept the CEUR-WS publishing rules.
This challenge is organised by Kavitha Srinivas (IBM Research), Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz (City, University of London; University of Oslo), Oktie Hassanzadeh (IBM Research), Jiaoyan Chen (University of Oxford), Vasilis Efthymiou (FORTH - ICS), Vincenzo Cutrona (SUPSI), Juan Sequeda (, Nora Abdelmageed (University of Jena), and Madelon Hulsebos (Sigma Computing, University of Amsterdam). If you have any problems working with the datasets or any suggestions related to this challenge, do not hesitate to contact us via the discussion group.
The challenge is currently supported by the SIRIUS Centre for Research-driven Innovation and IBM Research.