Datasets Track


New dataset contributions

The data that table-to-Knowledge-Graph matching systems are trained and evaluated on, is critical for their accuracy and relevance. We invite dataset submissions that provide challenging and accessible new datasets to advance the state-of-the-art of table-to-KG matching systems.

Preferably, these datasets provide tables along with their ground truth annotations for at least one of CEA, CTA and CPA tasks. The dataset may be general or specific to a certain domain.

Submissions will be evaluated according to provide the following:

Dataset revision contributions

Besides entirely new datasets, we also encourage revisions of existing datasets and their annotations. Revisions can be of any kind as below, but we welcome alternative revisions:

Please clearly describe and illustrate what the problem is that the revision addresses, and how the adopted approach yields a high quality dataset for downstream applications. Dataset and annotation revisions are expected to be made public with a permissive license for wider use in the community.